90 Minutes to a Clear Direction on the Next Right Thing

with Sheryl Murphy, Divorce & Health Coach

A Stability Session is just what you need to work through one particular sticking point in your high-conflict divorce or co-parenting strategy so you can feel safe and confident in your next steps.

Here are some of the things I can help you with:

Figuring out how you will prioritize your health through the divorce process and beyond.

Developing a communication strategy with your ex that protects your mental health and your kids' peace.

Creating a daily routine that includes connecting with your kids despite your hectic and stressful schedule.

Brainstorming a co-parenting strategy that is safe for you and your kids.

Getting clear on your divorce priorities and creating a plan on how to get there.

Preparing for your next lawyer meeting/court date/mediation so you can present your position in a calm and collected way.

Sharing and educating you on resources that are available as you navigate your high-conflict divorce and long-term co-parenting plan.

Considering what a new romantic relationship looks like for you and creating a plan that protects your kids.

Or, you can ask me about my story and experiences as a divorced mom

Is there one in here that resonates with you? If not, let me know what one thing you want to get clear on and we will tackle it together.

You’ve done enough on your own already.

Maybe it’s time to have a professional who has been where you are and understands the unique challenges you’re facing in your high-conflict divorce and co-parenting relationship standing beside you.

You and your kids deserve to be safe and have peace in your lives. And I can help you figure out what you need to get there.

You’ll get:

90 minutes of health, divorce and/or co-parenting coaching … just you and me in a private, safe space

A pre-session worksheet that gives us direction and helps you get the most out of our session

A session recap of your moments of clarity and your next steps to move you forward with confidence

You can do this. And I am ready when you are.

I can’t wait to be in corner and help you create the peaceful and safe home you’ve always wanted for you and your kids.

Sheryl Murphy
Divorce & Health Coach
Healthy Mom After Divorce

About Sheryl Murphy, Divorce & Health Coach

Being a divorced mom and domestic abuse survivor are Sheryl’s superpowers. Add to the mix a coaching certification, a background in the health and fitness industry and a previous career in the legal industry and you have someone who is uniquely qualified to help you work through your high-conflict divorce and co-parenting strategy. The decisions you make now will have not only lasting effects on you but also your kids which is why Sheryl is passionate about helping divorced moms like you.

How did Sheryl get here? After leaving her abusive marriage and embarking on a years-long high-conflict divorce, she quickly learned that, in her ex-husband, she had no idea who she was really dealing with. Contrary to what she believed, the abuse did not stop after she left; it got much worse.

Through her marriage, divorce and years of post-separation abuse, she had become a shell of who she once was. But her kids needed her. So with the support of her family, she worked hard to fight her way through the muck and back to a place of health and peace. It was then she had her moment of clarity. Sitting on the couch having a particularly insightful conversation with her then future husband, Travis, he asked her: “Why don’t you become a coach?”

And nothing has been the same since. In that moment, Sheryl decided her passion lived with helping other moms healing from abusive marriages survive their high-conflict divorce, have their voices heard, reclaim their health and develop safe and sustainable co-parenting strategies. So, while working in her career at a law firm, she obtained her coaching certification through Coach Training Alliance and created Healthy Mom After Divorce.

Sheryl lives on Vancouver Island, in British Columbia, Canada with her husband, Travis, and their four kids. When Sheryl is not podcasting, advocating for abuse survivors, creating content and helping moms save themselves, she is pouring into her beautiful children, exercising, reading and enjoying the beautiful West Coast lifestyle.